I am in Utah for Christmas. The reason I’m here is to move all my stuff to Arizona. I’m renting a small trailer and towing it with my Jeep 🙂
It’s nice to spend one last Christmas together – again. Though this year I was major unprepared. I think I’ll be giving everyone their presents in January! I did a little shopping today at Wal Mart (buying 88 cent gifts from the bins). Other than that I’ve realized that I forgot to calculate travel expenses into my budget – especially for the trailer rental. Plus, my car insurance bill is coming due in January… so it looks like the “extra” money I planned on is not so “extra” anymore 🙁
We’re having a snow storm right now in UT which looks pretty cool to watch through the window inside a comfortable home. We made 18 plates of cookies to take to our neighbors. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! Oh yeah, “Humbug!”
Now here are some PICTURES:
And now some pictures from the drive to Utah:
p.s. i updated this post: Me at a pretty princess party