Good To Be Back

Returning to Anasazi this Winter has been a great decision. I’ve loved being back on the trail and working with kids in the outdoors again. Everything from cooking on a campfire to sleeping under the stars and working with TrailWalkers. I love it.

Lately I’ve been really sick. For 2 straight weeks I’ve had a bad cough and been in bed. But today I feel much better (a friend told me a few days ago to stop eating bread and processed food, and only eat veggies and oranges). Since doing that I’ve been getting well quickly. Here’s a picture of when it all started…

I fell asleep like this because I was so sick

Being sick so long has given me a lot of time to sleep and think about life. The University of Utah has accepted me to start school this Summer in their Mechanical Engineering program 🙂 but I’ve had a lot of second thoughts about returning to school. I’m planning on giving this more thought, as my other option is to stay in Outdoor Education and work on some business ideas I can do with the experience I have.

I plan to visit California next week and go sailing with my buddy who’s living there right now on a sailboat. It should be tons of fun. I’ll take some pictures to show y’all when I return. In the mean time, please enjoy these pictures from the Anasazi Trail…

Swimming Hole

Making Fire

Wild Edibles

Cooking on the fire

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